Why I am against Bush's Iraq war - by the NNN Editor 1. Iraq did not attack the U.S. 2. There was no proof that Iraq planned to attack the U.S. 3. Congress did not declare war as required by the Constitution 4. The infiltration of the U.S. 'homeland' by up to 20 million illegal aliens is a greater threat 5. Squandering military/defense resources leaves the U.S. more vulnerable to real enemies. PS. I don't think there has been a 'good' Constitutional war since the 1846 Mexican war. |
Iraq - a Frankenstein abomination patched together with various decomposing body parts from Kurds, Sunni and Shia sects... can never be a NATION... let alone a 'democracy' - but at best a corrupt despotism - only held together by a ruthless dictator like Saddam. When George Bush's neocon crusaders invaded and overthrew him on an WMD snipe hunt... the old sutures broke and the rotting limbs thrashed out in a mindless paroxysm of violence from the golem creature that was created by mad scientists under a CIA grant.... © NNN ![]() In Arab nationalist thinking, these decisions reflected the British desire to create an inherently unstable nation, lacking historical legitimacy and forcing three antagonistic groups to live together, so the country would never be strong and unified and would be more easily controlled by outsiders...." |
Bravely Leads 3rd Infantry Into Battle" "IRAQ-KUWAIT BORDERAs the U.S. Army's 3rd Infantry Division began its ground assault on Iraq Monday, President Bush marched alongside the front-line soldiers, bravely putting his own life on the line for his country by personally participating in the attack..." - (The Onion - link by Svejk) |
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to Madness to Destruction by Bob Wallace "I've watched George Bush change over the last year. He went from being a Good Ol' Boy who said if he lost the election, "life goes on," to a dogmatic, closed-minded man who apparently believes God has chosen him to bring the deluded leftist dream of "democracy" to the Middle East. People have suggested to me that Bush is either insane or a psychopath (i.e., he has no conscience). He is neither. What has happened to him is a sequence the Greeks noticed thousands of years ago: Koros (stability) to Hubris (arrogance, moral blindness) to Ate (a kind of "madness") to Nemesis (destruction). One of the problems of the afflicted is that they never know what is happening to them..." |
Are Playing a Dangerous Game - by Chuck Baldwin "...The U.S. Constitution requires our nation to obtain a Declaration of War from Congress before we attack any country! Why is that so difficult for people to understand? The Constitution is the supreme law of our land. Our elected leaders take an oath to obey the Constitution, not party bosses. How can we treat that oath and that supreme law so flippantly and still call ourselves patriotic Americans?..." The US Government Is Dying - by Michael Rivero "The US Government is dying. Its ultimate fate was sealed the moment the Federal Reserve Fiat money system was put into place... Bush wants a war to save the present government. And by supporting his war with our money and the blood of our children, all we buy is more of that same government." - (reader link) |
Ours - The Foundation Of Empire - by Fred Reed![]() |
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"For what did thousands of Americans die in Iraq?" The Road to Universal Slaughter by Ryan McMaken - ("KPS Reports") ""Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar." - (from reader) |
![]() | Bush's Pentagon stocks up on body bags Nearly 10,000 bags were ordered, but officials say they have not been shipped to the Persian Gulf. The military shuns the term body bag, which gained widespread usage during the Vietnam War, when 58,000 American military personnel died. Instead, the military began calling them "human remains pouches" during the 1991 Persian Gulf war. They are made of vinyl and cost the government about $38 a pouch. - (John Clark) |
our weapons of mass-democracy Prevent Bush from imposing his own, personal Day-of-Infamy - by Richard Barrett |
Bush may give the order soon that will kill this little Iraqi girl![]() ![]() - would that be a war crime? Take off the scarf and she would more easily fit into a school yard in the United States or Serbia rather than one in Asia, Africa or 'Latin' America. (graphic from Antiwar.com) |
work, less sex, Chinese told ![]() One Billion, 285 million, 191 thousand, and 333 when I just looked.... Ref: US population is currently estimated at "only" 289, 972, 322... So why isn't Bush getting tough with China's Weapons of Mass Destruction...? Ref: Population: The population of Iraq (1997 estimate) is 22,219,289 ![]()
Had Key Role In Iraq Buildup |
enraged at Iraqi shoot down of American drone in no-fly zone ![]() ![]() Citizens are urged to report Iraqi Drones and any 'UFO's to the Office of Homeland Security |
Security may soon monitor the Internet The White House is proposing an Internet-wide monitoring center to detect and defend against major cyber-attacks, but the Bush administration sought Friday to ease worries it might scrutinize individual users' e-mails along with other data traffic. |
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![]() "...In lives lost, these were small wars with big gains. But in 1917, Wilson took us into the Great War to make the world safe for democracy. What vital interest was in peril? None. What did we get out of it? Bolshevism, fascism, Nazism, and World War II..." USA is not wanted in Iraq - by Patrick J. Buchanan - (antiwar.com) |
Americana by Richard Barrett |
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![]() ![]() The Senate joined the House on Friday morning in voting solidly to give Bush II the authority to use the entire US military force against Iraq anytime he feels like it - anywhere in the world - with a preemptive blitz that may include nuclear, biological, chemical and other classified weapons of mass destruction. As the US has righteously declared itself exempt from war crimes, any collateral casualties will be deeply regretted. - (this was done to save face as Bush said he didn't need any damn Congressional Declaration of War as we are already in a Perpetual War Against Terrorism) ALL HAIL OUR GLORIOUS LEADER! Strategic Note: With all of our legions in the Middle East, Europe, and Asia... the Homeland could be taken over by an enterprising coalition of Bloods, Crips, Mexican Mafia with the technical assistance of People's Liberation Army advisors currently working as waiters in various Chinese restaurants. Why We Should Attack Saddam Hussein By Michael Peirce A Day of Infamy by William J. Thomson"Today, October 11, 2002 a date which will live in infamy the Constitution of the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate. By a vote of 296-133 in the House and 77-23 in the Senate, Congress abdicated its constitutional authority to declare war (Article I, Section 8), and placed the power to declare and wage war in the hands of the most inept president in United States history. |
TRAGEDY OF YOUTH Their Generation, Now Unemployed, Must Fight the War Then Become Slaves in Red State That Follows - by Francis P. Yockey |
War Crimes? Peace Crimes? US planes sprayed Wiltshire with Sarin CROPDUSTER aircraft flown by British and US military personnel sprayed deadly chemical weapons, including Sarin and VX, over the Wiltshire countryside in the late 1960s. News of the tests is broken in declassified documents released this week by the Pentagon. They took place at the highly secretive Porton Down facility near Salisbury, despite there being virtually no information about the long-term health effects of even very low exposures to the lethal nerve agents. As well as Sarin and VX, the tests involved Soman and Tabun. According to the documents, seen by The Times, the chemical weapons were used on open grassland and woodland. The declassified documents acknowledge a far wider use of chemical and biological weapons than admitted by the British or US Governments. The disclosure could not come at a worse time for Tony Blair and President Bush, who argue that Iraqs stockpiling of such nerve agents justifies a regime change. - (British Nation) |
how I'll rule the world - (Rense
link) Bush Dynasty declares intent to Dominate the World through pre-emptive Terror Strikes Bush Proposes U.S. Shift to First-Strike Military Policy The Bush White House has released a new national strategy document which states the US should strive for lasting military superiority with a policy of pre-emptive strikes to defeat terrorism. "One Party, one Corporation, one President!"
farms more vital than Iraq desert - by James Jones
"We are at war? Well, that has been obvious for some time. The telltale signs are when a country is invaded, its territory is occupied, its citizens are killed and its rights are taken away. Of course, that is what has been going on right before our very eyes. Every day, Mexicans intrude, occupy our territory, kill our citizens -- even Border Patrolmen right on our own soil, while doing their very duties -- and replace our language, deplete our resources and install themselves in our offices..." |
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for the Sake of War? - by by William Norman Grigg Near the climax of George Orwells incomparable novel 1984, the hapless Winston Smith undergoes torture and interrogation at the hands of OBrien, an agent of Big Brothers Police State. In order to break Smiths will, OBrien describes the one-party state he serves as a pitiless leviathan not subject to law or reason. And, Orwell might have added, the object of war is war. In order to keep its subjects in control, Big Brother's regime was perpetually involved in a three-sided war with Eastasia and Eurasia a war in which last weeks "eternal ally" was this weeks "mortal enemy." |
Mystique Of Iraq - by Charley Reese![]() The original Gulf War was based largely on lies. There was the outright lie that Iraqi soldiers had snatched Kuwaiti babies out of incubators to steal the incubators. |
![]() "The loud little handful as usual will shout for the war. The pulpit will warily and cautiously object... at first. The great, big, dull bulk of the nation will rub its sleepy eyes and try to make out why there should be a war, and will say, earnestly and indignantly, "It is unjust and dishonorable, and there is no necessity for it. Then the handful will shout louder. A few fair men on the other side will argue and reason against the war with speech and pen, and at first will have a hearing and be applauded, but it will not last long; those others will outshout them, and presently the antiwar audiences will thin out and lose popularity. Before long, you will see this curious thing: the speakers stoned from the platform, and free speech strangled by hordes of furious men...Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception. Mark Twain, The Mysterious
Stranger (1910). |
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War for World Government - By Joe Sansone President Bushs September 12th speech before the U.N. was a testament before the world that the United States is now the mercenary force of world government. Bushs strongest argument for war with Iraq was not that Iraq was a threat to the United States, but that Iraq had violated U.N. security resolutions. It was eerie as the President spoke to international delegates about the need to enforce U.N. security resolutions asking, Are Security Council resolutions to be honored and enforced or cast aside without consequence? Later saying, The Security Council Resolutions will be enforced, the just demands of peace and security will be met or action will be unavoidable, Bush implied that the United States would enforce U.N. resolutions even if the U.N. didnt want them enforced. President Bush spoke as if a decision to wage war was already decided by the United States unless full compliance by Iraq materializes. When did congress declare war? By what authority does the president have the power to declare war? |
Unholy War - By Joe Sansone Rightfully so, the Bush administration has condemned terrorism and the Jihad, the Islamic holy war, but Bush, Cheney and company, along with mind numb cheerleaders have now crossed the line and are leading the charge for an unholy war of their own. They are calling for the United States of America to become an aggressor nation. |
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Right Wrong - Only Congress Can Declare War - By Sam Francis Very graciously for the Emperor of the New World Order, President Bush has stated that he will consult Congress before going to war against Iraq and even promises to listen to people who don't want to go to war at all. |
Is A Racket - Major General Smedley Butler WAR is a racket. It always has been.
A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes. |