No wonder President Bush is outraged and wants
to attack Iraq. Millions of Iraqis, with the encouragement of their government,
are invading the U.S. by sneaking across our border. Once here, they steal our
jobs, murder our citizens, demand medical care that we pay for, ruin our schools,
destroy our American way of life and substitute an Iraqi way of life. They are
also killing our children in the streets. These evil Iraqis also say they own
large parts of the U.S. and that Americans should beat it. Any hostile
nation such as Iraq that does this to the United States of America deserves to
be attacked and bombed into oblivion. Go get those evil Iraqis, Mr. Bush!
I made a mistake. It's not the Iraqis who are doing all of the above evil things.
It's Mexicans who are doing these things. That's different. You see, Mexicans
are George Bush's friends. We don't want to say anything harsh about the Mexicans,
no matter what they do. In fact, the GOP has sent out messages to Republican candidates
to not discuss illigal immigration in their campaigns this year. While
Bush is doing intellectual (?) headstands in order to not say anything bad about
the scumbag Mexican criminals who have invaded the U.S. and who are destroying
our nation from within, he also won't say anything good about the Iraqis no matter
what they don't do. Welcome
to the whacky world of our fou fou elites who want to manipulate American citizens
into attacking a distant nation, for no good reason that anyone can think of,
while not attacking a nation that is right next door and which truly is a real
and present danger to the U.S. and the American way of life.