From: (your email name/address)
To: "news"
[or 'email-editor' link at bottom of related page]
Subject: [Title of news
article - or your title for news article]
Date: mm/dd/yyyy
link to the page as copied from Address bar in Internet Explorer
right mouse-click on headline in referring page and 'copy shortcut' to paste into
note here]
[Note: make sure you are not inside of a 'frame' when copying link
from address bar]
[the title: if not already given in Subject
[your optional comments for posting: your comments for posting
with the article - may be edited by NNN editor] [note: if the link source may
expire soon, you might include a copy of the text but I probably don't have room
to reprint the whole thing]
[special directions: if you WANT your
webname, name or email address posted, let me know - default is anonymous post.
Any email addresses other than the source must be confirmed before posting.
don't bother to attach full article unless you are not sure it's going
to be there for a few days - for instance 'Oregon Live' items may expire same
day, most 'AP wire' items may only be up for a couple of hours... but may not
have space to reprint whole article...]