Five black teenagers are accused of shouting racially charged threats and stabbing three young white men
For the second time in a week, an attack that appears to have racial overtones led to violence in a struggling city neighborhood. Five black teenagers are accused of roaming through a Lovejoy neighborhood late Friday night, shouting racially charged threats and stabbing three young white men, including a recently discharged Marine. In the incident Friday night, several neighbors and police said the confrontation began when the black teens left a house on East Lovejoy and marched single file along a sidewalk shouting racially inflammatory words about whites and saying, "We own this block." Neighbors said they called police but before they arrived, the five black teens encountered four white men and a fight broke out. The five teens who were charged were identified as: • Markethy McClellan, 17, of Pullman Place. • Angelo M. Kidd, 17, of Dodge Street. • Percy P. Turner Jr., 17, of 14th Street. • Domonic D. Williams, 18, of Woltz Street. • Mark A. Porter, 16, of Goodyear Avenue.
The injured were identified as: • Jacob Dabb, the 19-year-old ex-Marine of Moreland Street, who was listed in serious condition in Erie County Medical Center's intensive care unit Saturday night. • Eric Dragone, 16, also of Moreland, who was discharged from ECMC Saturday after spending the night there for stab wounds to his back and side. • Frank Mietlicki, 27, of Longnecker Street, who suffered knife wounds and was treated at a local hospital. The attacks were denounced by Buffalo Mayor Anthony M. Masiello and Police Commissioner Rocco J. Diina.
- (reader link) - Attack in Lovejoy carries racial overtones * Racial Tensions Spark City Violence |