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The Bush blah, blah crew was out in full force last week
both on the radio, in the person of Radio Pudgy, who somehow had crawled into
my car radio again and who sounded as though he had zoned out on some funny pills
and thought he was Rambo; and over at the Bush News Network where assorted twerps
and chicken hawks continued with their usual transparent Bush propaganda. These
guys want you and your kids to go to Iraq, but they won't send themselves or their
own kids. Call them what they are: phony blowhards. |
As soon as I turned on my car radio, Pudgy was giving a chewing
the carpet, listen-to-me-I'm-mad-as-hell-hold-me-back spiel over the death of
Nick Berg. This guy's radio program has become one long Bush commercial and apologia
for Bush's Iraq fiasco, Bush's budget deficit, Bush's bigger than ever and more
intrusive government, Bush's flooding of America with illegal aliens and all the
other really stupid things that Bush is doing or causing. Pudgy's Berg talk was
just the latest installment of the propaganda and seemed to be an attempt to enflame
passions and distract Stepfordized post-American Americans so they wouldn't condemn
the Bush administration over the mistreatment of prisoners in Iraq. |
Pudgy then told his radio audience: "And I wanted
to be in the charge to go into that room [where Berg was held] to wipe them out."
What would Pudgy have done? Waddle in and talk their ears off? Turn off their
air conditioning? Make faces at them? Whine about Bill Clinton? Call them liberals?
Radio Pudgy also didn't think it was a big deal what
happened at Abu Ghraib and dismissed the actions of our troops as being something
like a fraternity prank. Now comes news that the elites have decided to tear down
Abu Ghraib. "Bad prison, bad prison." Welcome to a Disneyesque world
where inanimate objects are evil and have personalities and people get a pass
for the wrong things they do so long as they can point to some inanimate object
that serves as the scapegoat to take away their sins. Abu Ghraib will die for
the sins of the Bush administration. Well, that solves the problem of our stupid
invasion of Iraq, and the torture of prisoners, by gum. |
it's time that good, decent people take those like Radio Pudgy up on their tough
talk and ask them to put their lives on the line instead of encouraging and manipulating
middle and lower class American teens into dying or getting in trouble when they
are influenced into mistreating human debris. |
and more ordinary citizens are realizing that the neocons are a disaster for America
and that Bush is taking us in the wrong direction. Our country is in big trouble
and it's getting worse. Bush has given us a huge budget deficit, outsourcing of
jobs, a war, a house of cards economy, a bigger more intrusive government, and
millions of illegal aliens. The neocon shills then try to sell this crap to so-called
conservatives. My guess is that except for the most Stepfordized and low I.Q.
"Hi, I'm a stay at home mom," cretins who call Radio Pudgy's program,
that not too many are buying these lies anymore. |
# # # |
TWO BOOKS BY H. MILLARD Available at finer bookstores, by phone, or on the net. |
![]() - (ISBN: 0-595-22811-9) H. Millards latest sacred cow toppling book, is now available at Amazon.com by clicking on this link or by calling 1-877-823-9235. A funand soberingthing to read - Alamance Independent |
![]() 2. THE OUTSIDER - (ISBN: 0-595-19424-9) |