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"If you're a non-Jewish white person of European
descent, keep your eyes straight ahead. Don't stare at anyone lest it be taken
the wrong way. Don't smile at them for the same reason. And, especially, don't
laugh if someone who looks different than you is nearby. Don't read this or that
book. Don't raise your arm a certain way. Don't wear this or that symbol. Don't
talk about certain historical events. Be careful of every word you say. Don't
feel pride in who you are. The eyes and ears of the Thought Police are everywhere
watching and listening to you. They are ready to pounce. Your white skin makes
you suspect of thinking the wrong things. Welcome to Europe, your ancestral home." |
We live in crazy, repressive times. Hatred for white
people is endemic. Europe, the ancestral home of white people, is being destroyed--eaten
away from within. Haters rule and they color their genocidal lies with fine sounding
phrases while multiracialists work overtime to wipe out all whites. The white
masses are being told that any expressions of their whiteness are evil. Many people
are confused and are going mad within their skins as they try to stop being what
they truly are. They limit themselves and their aspirations lest they do something
wrong. Once, they were a free and growing people, and the world was their oyster.
Now, many of them have become emotional slaves to non-white sensibilities and
they are contracting. Their once positive, expansive, anything goes, and I can
do it attitude is now subdued. As a race, they seem to have become old and decrepit.
The twin claims of racism and anti-Semitism are in
Everyone's quiver of words to try to fool you into your own genetic suicide. If
you let yourself be wounded by these claims you'll be forced to live a milquetoast
life in which you barely exist as a genuine authentic person. And then you'll
die in the night and no one will care and no one will remember you and you might
as well not have lived at all. |
the best of circumstances, these secondary identities are also mostly the natural
products of our personal genes and the collective genes of those like us as these
genes react to the world around us and send signals to our brains which then wonder
about the big questions and send us to find answers that help us. With proper
thinking and guidance we find some of the right answers. However, in the worst
of circumstances these secondary identities are unnatural and are used to control
us, sometimes to our own detriment. Everyone is often in this second category
these days. Let's try to not be like Everyone. |
even try to argue that there's no such thing as an Aryan. This is a childish and
illogical argument, because if we define Aryan to mean "a non-Jewish white
person of European descent," as we do, and if there are non-Jewish white
people of European descent, which there are, then Aryans, by definition, exist.
However, there is no magic in the word Aryan. It's just a convenient term. Any
word that is accepted by the people it defines could be substituted for this term.
You could, for example, say that the name for "non-Jewish white European
people," is Xktlp, and it too would be valid. Ultimately, all words are just
made up ways to express something. |
be clear about something else. In general terms, Christians are not a genetic
people in the same way that Jews are a genetic people. Christianity is primarily
a religious belief--a secondary identity, that one can change in the blink of
an eye without changing what one truly is. By contrast, Judaism is a religious
belief, but in its orthodox, and thus purest form, it holds that true Jews are
only those who are born of a Jewish mother. Thus, one must have the right genes
to be a Jew. That's why you can be a Jew and also be a Catholic or a Buddhist
or have no religion at all. Your genetic Jewishness precedes your Jewish religious
faith. This is also why orthodox Jews don't try to convert people to Judaism.
How do you convert genes? How do you make yourself be born of a Jewish mother
if you weren't? It's a contradiction in terms and would be like having a blue
eyed religion for blue eyed people that tried to convert brown eyed people. |
Of course, there are exceptions and many non-orthodox
Jewish synagogues accept converts. But, as an aside, and as an indication of the
genetic/Judaism link, there is some fear in Israel that millions of Arabs might
simply all convert to Judaism and take over Israel in a sort of absorption invasion.
Aryan Christians with low genetic consciousness might not even understand this
fear, and they might think that having all the Arabs become Jews would be a win
for Israel. After all, these Christians--whose religion is based on belief, not
genes--would consider it a win if all the people of the world became Christians.
Orthodox Jews, however, who do understand the necessary genetic link, fear that
such a mass conversion would be the end of Judaism. They're right. In the long
run, you really can't have Judaism without genetic Jews. Some liberal or secular
Jews try to deny this and often say that the essence of Judaism is tradition rather
than genes, but they're wrong. Tradition is important, but it is an outgrowth
of genetic predispositions that would eventually fail if the genes failed. |
Being attacked just because of who you are and because
you have expressed yourself in a way that is meaningful to you with religious
attire or symbols simply isn't right. However, these Jewish writers should walk
a mile in the shoes of a non-Jewish white European--an Aryan--these days. Far
more Aryans avoid outward signs of their Aryanness in public, than Jews. Aryans
who show outward manifestations of Aryanness are persecuted by many European governments.
And, often it has been Jews who have pushed through laws against expressions of
Aryanness. This is resented by many Aryans. It may be this resentment over their
repression, that some are calling anti-Semitism. |
Most of the Jewish writers appear to be concerned
almost completely with Jews being attacked by street toughs. This is telling,
because it points up the fact that it is not governments attacking Jews. In fact,
many of these governments are far too busy attacking Aryans. |
I'll bet that if one talked to white people in Europe,
when these people feel that they can be open and truly express themselves with
no repercussions, that we'd discover that many of them really do find their identity
in their Aryanness (if they don't understand the word Aryan, they may express
it in different words, but it'll mean the same thing), but most are forced to
hide it these days lest they be victimized by their own governments. |
But this matter of symbols being banned if one group
doesn't like them, goes even further. Many European nations are now stopping Muslim
women from wearing headscarves in public schools, but it doesn't appear that many
of these same nations are as vigorous in stopping Jews from wearing yarmulkes.
There are basic principles of human freedom and fairness involved here. Everyone
should be allowed to express their religious feelings by displaying their symbols
and doing those religious things that do no harm to others. |
# # # |
TWO BOOKS BY H. MILLARD Available at finer bookstores, by phone, or on the net. |
![]() - (ISBN: 0-595-22811-9) H. Millards latest sacred cow toppling book, is now available at Amazon.com by clicking on this link or by calling 1-877-823-9235. A funand soberingthing to read - Alamance Independent |
![]() 2. THE OUTSIDER - (ISBN: 0-595-19424-9) |