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Which way Western
Guest column by NNN reader Ken |
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Hello, I just discovered your web site New Nation News and the first thing I read [upon clicking the NNN phoenix logo] was: "New Nation News editor notes: trying to refine and focus the purpose of this website". |
I normally don't bother wasting time
responding to every interesting Internet voice I find during my web browsing
wanderings... yours however immediately struck a chord. I felt the immediate sense that although you obviously don't have all the answers as many seem to think they have you are asking the right questions. To my mind asking the right questions will inevitably lead to the right answers just as correctly identifying problems lead to their solutions. Of course, as you pointed out, getting others to use the brains God gave them to see the light of truth is a whole other ball game. So I saw you asking the right questions which prompted me to respond even though I obviously don't have all the answers myself. So what's my point? Well, perhaps it's simply a matter of cause and effect. You asked the right questions which sparked an irresistible urge within my Faustian soul to answer even if I don't quite know how to... I must. So not knowing exactly how to go about it I must endeavor to try and answer your questions. Indeed I have been trying to answer very similar questions for many years now and have come to a few tentative conclusions. So here goes. |
Truly a worthy and noble cause if
I ever heard one. It is however in need of a little clarification. Or
perhaps it achieved its intended purpose by raising still more questions
in my [the reader's] mind. Such as [in no particular order of importance]:
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"What I am trying to arrive
at is both a rational and emotional presentation for those that have not
yet 'been committed'. I am not even sure if it is possible to really change
anyone's mind - short of either forced brainwashing or the gentle persuasion
of the daily drone of the multi-faceted mass media." If we then accept that it is indeed possible for minds to change [not to "change anyone's mind" as you said which taken literally means coercion] without force or brainwashing, what then? Is it simply a matter of discovering the right methods or buttons to push to achieve a mass conversion from those believing lies to those believing the truth or does the destiny of the race not actually depend upon a mass conversion? ![]() No amount of 'preaching' can compensate for lack of consistent 'practice'. To me the tendency of some of our more overtly radical self-styled variety of racialist to push their ideas on [to coerce] others or to advertise their ideas in the same manner as the typical treasure-hording super-corporate-capitalist advertising industries is simply overcompensation for lack of faith in the truth. The truth shall set us free and in the end shall prevail. But though it is proper that we should therefore love, respect and obey the truth as we understand it we should not cling to it as though the slightest breeze might blow it away. I am reminded of a lyric from a classic rock tune - "hold on loosely... but don't let go... if you cling too tightly... you might lose control..." I never really understood those lyrics until I got a little older and wiser with experience. But it is not the meditative mystical detachment of the Eastern philosophies and religions I am talking about. I am simply referring to the natural detachment which comes with the confidence of one who is sure of the unaided strength of his own convictions. When one is sure of himself and what he stands for he does not cease from effort or struggle but he also does not stir restlessly or expend wasted energy as though the truth was merely a fleeting flight of fantasy which depended on the number of and coercive powers of its devotees for it to carry the weight and ring of real truth. The true believer is not restless or overzealous but is able to rest and conserve and perhaps redirect his energy when it is wise to do so. One is not as threatened by his perceived enemies when he possesses faith in the power of truth to stand up to lies, to stand on its own merits, to stand the test of time and to in the end prevail against all odds. |
It is tempting to succumb to the ahistorical
and narcistic perspective of modern consumerist popular culture which
lives one lifetime or generation at a time thinking only of what is happening
right in front of them and directly and personally to them at any given
moment. Never seeing its past historical precedents or causes and never
seeing where their present thoughts and actions are taking them and not
just them personally but collectively and not just collectively as in
their generation but as in all of posterity or future generations. ![]() The limitless horizon has always inspired Western Man. This however has become a curse. Now this urge to expand and fill up has been inherited via cultural diffusion by every other race of people on the planet and naturally, Western Man being the worldwide minority, stands to be squeezed out of the picture. But this in turn causes other questions to be raised. Such as: Who in the end shall truly inherit our civilization or culture or way of life or racial soul? |
![]() And so long as there remains even just a tiny remnant of our kind [provided that remnant is properly grounded in certain truths about who and what they are] there is hope for the future [even if the world at large is thrown back into the Stone Age]. In fact, I am of the opinion that Spengler was on to something when he conceived of his morphology of cultures or the life and death cycles of civilizations. I believe that nature is indeed at work in the world of men as much as it is with the animals. Forces are always at work towards returning all things to a certain equilibrium. The equilibrium is in this case being the ascendancy or ennobling of man. Out of the many breeds of man one must eventually rise to the top. When one rises to the top we may be sure that he was made of something special or greater than the rest. And that something special or the right stuff in him is the same stuff which causes him to show generosity and charity towards those less fortunate than himself. Thus he who rises the highest is often the one who doesn't mind pulling others up along with him. |
Yet in doing so if those others are joined by still
more others and then more under them and so on he who has risen to such
great heights will eventually fall and all will consequently be brought
low. Now you might think that it is at this point that I am suggesting
the natural equilibrium of man has been reached but it is not. This to
me is a disruption of it. When all are brought low and made equal at the bottom nature once again takes over and the one who has the right stuff once again begins his ascent with or without the others for it is simply his destiny, his inheritance, his inherent expression of who he is. That is what I see as the human equilibrium. This is each type of man playing his chosen role or part on the proverbial world stage. Just as women and men are inherently predisposed towards different roles in life so the races are inherently predisposed towards differing expressions of themselves in the world. Each has its own cultural expression. And the ultimate expression of the Western soul is civilization plain and simple. Given the facts it stands to reason that we are on the verge of a great fall but also a new beginning when the natural cycle of cultural morphology continues to reestablish equilibrium once again. |
Right now the weight of the world which hangs on Western
Man is dragging him down with the world. Perhaps earlier on in history
Western man could have taken John Galt's advice [from Ayn
Rand's Atlas Shrugged] and shrugged the weight of the world from his
straining shoulders and today the world would be experiencing a Golden
Age unsurpassed in all history since at least the Sumerians. ![]() When the tower of Western Civilization has fallen so will have the very force which has sustained the world's largest population in history and equilibrium will bring every race numbers back down to their natural and size. Similar to the way an individual human can lose weight naturally by staying on a normal diet until his own metabolism returns to normal. Then will our problems no longer seem so overwhelming by comparison to today. |
In sum all we can do is to be fishers
of men like the Biblical Jesus and keep throwing out a line or life
preserver for any passers-by. We welcome all wandering strangers and treat
them with hospitality for we know not who they are [or what they are made
of - or whether they have the right stuff] until we have given them the
benefit of the doubt and given them the opportunity to prove themselves.
In the Bible I recall tales of entertaining guests only to find they were angels in disguise sent to test the hosts to see if they were showing hospitality to strangers [giving them the benefit of the doubt]. Why would this be in the Bible? What is the point of extending such kindness to all strangers who happen by? |
Could it be for the very seem reason I am proposing
we do it? This is because you never know who you'll meet along the way.
Like Jesus' Kingdom which was not
of the world around him we too are a part of an invisible
empire which requires us to test
all the spirits [and men] to see whether or not they are of or from
God [in other words true and in the case of men whether or not they are
one of us being of like mind or persuasion or racially conscious]. I am reminded of lyrics to an old No Remorse [a British skinhead band] tune The Invisible Empire in which Paul Burnley sings about how we could be found anywhere and everywhere "it's all around you..." were on your corner, were in your job..." were on your street, etc... I can't remember them exactly but that's the gist of it... you just never know who a fellow racialist might be - he could be the one you least suspect but see everyday. |
I think it is also a mark of the true
man who has grown into full racial maturity that he is not a show off
or someone who likes allot of attention or one to cause a scene. He likes
his privacy and doesn't feel the need to prove anything to anyone much
less all those overpopulated hordes [the masses] of strangers out there
in the world. ![]() ![]() Although, even a few or more of them have only been singled out because they garnered too much attention to themselves, the greatest of men make up the silent minority who historically speaking "speak softly and carry a big stick." The true movers and shakers in the Invisible Empire throughout history are seldom remembered except among those who can truly appreciate them who in turn seldom represent what is typical of the masses of men. New Nation News reader Ken |
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Presented as Public Service:
New Nation News not affiliated with above individual
and views expressed not necessarily those of New Nation News and vice versa. |
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