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"Revolutionary Majorities" -- Part One If
citizens of this country ever again enjoy the blessings of liberty and true freedom,
it will not be the result of a majority of its citizens having risen up in righteous
indignation at governmental abuse of themselves and their culture. If a restoration
of the Constitution of our forbearers occurs - with all that this implies - it
will probably not be because a plurality of citizens fought for it, supported
it, or cared one way or another. If lawful government is reestablished it will
come about because a revolutionary majority makes it happen. |
Within the American historical experience a revolutionary majority
may be defined as any number of citizens sufficient to initiate general hostilities
against a destructive government. |
exact number of "the friends of government", as the patriots disparagingly
referred to those who opposed the Revolution, cannot be stated with accuracy.
As John Adams indicated, the number was in a constant state of flux, depending
on political events and who was winning in the armed conflict. One thing is certain,
however; the American Revolution was anything but a broad-based popular uprising
of a disaffected people. Rather, it was a very unpopular rebellion of a politically
radical minority who, because they possessed a clear understanding of the rights
of man coupled with a deep concern for the state of relative personal freedom,
were ableto perceive the shackles of tyranny prior to their being presented for
fastening. This discernment of tyranny at a distance not only set them apart from
their fellow man but constrained them to rebel. |
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The radical political leaders of the Revolution such as John
Adams, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, George
Washington, Richard Henry Lee, John Hancock, and Joseph Warren, to name but a
few of the more well known, had to conduct their struggle for freedom in the face
of disapprobation and rejection by their peers before the time of actual armed
conflict, and after its commencement to charges and cries of "incendiaries
and traitors." Indeed "the friends of government" knew little restraint
when it came to condemning the Republic's Founders. The Loyalists called Washington,
among other things; a liar, perjurer, murderer, blasphemer, criminal, traitor,
patron of villainy, and a villain's chief. The other Founders fared little better
and were variously referred to as being dregs, illiberal (sic!) and violent men,
despicable wretches, bandits, rude, and depraved. While thus labeled by "respectable
citizens," these men led the country toward rebellion. |
Correspondingly, the Founders had an analogous movement
among the common people which, although the objective of overthrowing the government
was the same, the methods were those resorted to by people in every age when faced
with overpowering force of all-powerful government, namely, mob action, riots,
uprisings, midnight forays, and harassment, intimidation, or terroristic acts
directed against governmental supporters. All of these and other acts came under
the single heading of patriotism so far as their perpetrators were concerned. |
these ad hoc associations went by the name of "Committees of Public Safety,"
though the name as well as the tactics employed varied from place to place. Thus
in the colony of New York, the patriots bluntly called themselves "the oppressors
of the friends of government" and stated proudly that they tarred and feathered
governmental supporters with the "decorum that ought to be preserved in public
punishments." Boston had its mysterious "Joyce Junior" who led
a group of Knight Riders and enforcers who saw to it that those who did not display
the necessary revolutionary mentality were properly punished. The rebel Continental
Congress established "associations," whose purpose was to locate the
Loyalists and turn their names over to the local vigilante to be dealt within
the manner they deemed proper. In every colony, if the accusation was one of giving
information to government agents, the traitor to liberty was hanged by the neck
or dealt with in some other terminally appropriate manner. |
By the end of the conflict in 1781, for every government
Red-Coat killed on the battlefield, seventy Loyalists had been driven from their
homes and forced to settle in England or Canada, totaling over one hundred thousand
people. |
In summary of the American Revolution, while Washington's
determined and skillful leadership of the army, no doubt made victory possible,
it did not assure it. The Spirit of '76 - a massive campaign of terror directed
by patriotic citizens against all those who supported the government was the deciding
factor that brought freedom to America. |
Had those who desired liberty in 1776 waited until a numerical
majority of their fellow citizens were ready to "wake-up" (as the saying
is today) to fight for the overthrow of the government, or had they hesitated
in the use of "illegal" force and violence (force and violence are never
legal except when used by those in power) against their governmental enemies,
they would have all died in their old age as law-abiding subjects of the King
- minus their freedom. |
one thing seems capable of closing the yawning mouth of the pit and that is the
formation of a new revolutionary majority coupled with resurrection of the Spirit
of '76. Anything short of this seems certain to pass on to today's children an
increasingly difficult task of freeing themselves from transistorized chains of
governmental control. Such a legacy is the bequeathal of cowards, not free men. |
"Revolutionary Majorities" -- Part Two An
examination of the depth and magnitude of policies fostered by federal rulers
detrimental to the people of present day America make the abuses of the English
King's government pale into insignificance. One thing is clear; comparison of
the criminal acts of the two governments makes those who value their liberty and
freedom long for the bitter days of English despotism. |
first and paramount dissimilarity is that while our heroic Forefathers fought
to overthrow their legally constituted government and were thus revolutionaries
in the truest sense of the word, those who seek to break the quickly tightening
bands of servitude today war against an illegal government that imposes itself
upon the people under the color of the law. By the Washington regime's disobedience
to and violation of the bonds of the Constitution, established by the Founders
of this country, it has made of itself an unlawful body with no more right to
govern the American people than has the present Queen of England. That the government
survives despite the crimes it has committed is explainable only because the atrocities
it systematically imposes are papered over with a veneer of legality. Propaganda
that numbs the mind keeps people from rising against those who abuse them.![]() |
Another salient difference between the first American
Revolution and the second is the contrast between the quality of the people of
then and now. Our ancestors were strong men, who stated often that they were resolved
"to die as free men rather than live as slaves." They were conditioned
to doing their own thinking while at the same time ever holding before themselves
the guiding lights of honor and duty. |
It is quite clear that the virtue of the present generation
has declined to such a miserable degree that most people will never voluntarily
help to make themselves free. Consequently they will have to be made to make themselves
free. |
can be realized then, that those who remain guilty of loyalty to the present illegal
government in the District of Columbia are chargeable with treason to the Constitution
of the United States and deserving the same fate of their historical predecessors
who, in the name of the King, trampled upon sacred rights of Englishmen in 1776. |
A period of grace, commensurable with what the struggle
will allow, is in order, thus providing the present supporters of unlawful government
an opportunity to defect as they became cognizant of the law. |
Coalescing within America today is a second revolutionary
majority whose members in the spirit of their forbearers are resolved to die as
free men rather than to live as slaves. Like their noble ancestors, today's revolutionary
majority must fight for the children of carping critics just as fiercely as for
their own families. Emulating its predecessor, obedience is given only to the
dictates of the code of natural law. For once again the enemies of liberty use
the law of the nation as their shield - yea - even their justification for destroying
freedom of the people. A government exceeding the power granted by their fathers
- they are not bound to obey but bound to resist. |
Note: above text copied from
"Revolutionary Majorities
- An Essay by Louis Beam" |
Posted Monday, July 5, 2004 |
Presented as Public Service:
New Nation News not affiliated with above individual and views expressed not necessarily those of New Nation News and vice versa. |
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