Supposing for a moment that the idea of pure races actually has
any scientific or moral merit the ongoing increase in globalization
and miscegenation renders the whole idea unachievable;. Quite apart
from the fact that over 30% of "white" people can be shown
to have "black" genes hidden from slavery days the question
of how many Jews (10% of the populaion of the Roman Empire) have
given rise by conversion or intermarriage to Christians is to say
the least unclear. It is not hard to imagine that the West in fact
contains 100-200 millions of people who have no idea that they are
of Jewish descent. This may or may not matter a damn to most people-
but some of you probably will find this unsettling! Within at most
a few generations the whole concept of any pure races will be extinct.
The only way, it seems to me, to initiate a new
pure strain, if that is what is wanted, would be to accomplish a
new foundation starting with certified pure stock and physically
separate them from all contaminating influences permanently by a
considerable distance.
As it happens, science has shown us that there is
no human long-term future for ANY race - even the human species
as a whole- if we remain confined to Planet
Cosmic impacts, supervolcanism. Gamma Ray Bursts - to name but three
phneomena - all lie in wait to destroy our civilization if it fails
to achieve its true destiny- the dispersal of Humanity into Island
space colonies, which would use stellar energy and asteroid/cometary
raw materials free of the gravitational and geographical limitations
attendant upon confinement to a single planet.
The Space Studies Institute at Princeton University
( has been conducting
lab bench scale research projects over the past 25 years with the
aim of establishing the capability, in principle, necessary to turn
dreams into reality. What is now required is the will and a strength
of purpose.
I suggest that since it happens at present to be
the "white" economies and societies which possess the
scientific and technical bases - as well as the Frontier traditions-
required for such an enterprise- you shift your emphases away from
alarmist polemics against other Peoples and concentrate on pushing
for colonizing the New Frontier in Space - and work to take the
opportunities this vast enerprise will, coinicidentally, secure
for your aims.
passant you can thereby ensure a long and creative future for
the best of Humanity- which will of course be defined as those who
have what it takes to colonize Space! With skill and foresight this
"best of Humanity" might even be white- if White civilization
can be persuaded to stop navel gazing about Race and expand its
horizons as far as its telecscopes and rockets can reach.
Failing this, there is growing evidence that Chinese
ambitions in Space are considerable...they have already declared
an ultimate aim of building a base on the Moon, and thus appear
at present to be more forward looking than Western Governments.
In my view this is a challenge to the West which we should meet
if we are to live up to our true potential.
"Man belongs wherever a keen eye, quick
wits, and a strong right arm can take him!"