![]() "Where do we draw the line?" |
Immigration-Invasion News |
Editor note: no longer updating this 'home page' site - please see new
"Invasion Page"
- thanks But appreciate some updated links from the Terry Anderson Show webmaster on 10 Aug 2002. "Check our Mega Links section on www.theterryandersonshow.com" |
Northern California Republic - Immigration Reform Links page 2 |
Area Coalition for Immigration Reform * 1997 "now part of www.limitstogrowth.com" | |
Currently inactive web sites: although group may be active | |
Northern California Republic - Immigration related Links page 3 |
(some commercial immigration sites) | (political positions on immigration) |
(miscellaneous immigration links) | |
Northern California Republic - Immigration related Links page 4 |
that seem to focus on environment and birth-control rather than on the immigration-invasion | |
Negative Population Growth {suicide?} | Die-Off {warning graphic and gross} |
(and some more immigration links) | (articles and speeches on immigration) |
u lticulturalism
by Louis Beam ...M u lticulturalism is likewise a financial tool used to socially and economically level a targeted population. When implemented, it becomes in fact a battle over scarce resources and shrinking economic opportunities, with government weighing in on the side of cheap labour. A continual flow of impoverished workers is insured through immigration (both legal and illegal), who by working for less compensation continually drive wages down. For the vast majority of citizens the standard of living will not increase, but rather constantly decrease. |
from "Our
Illegal War" by Congressman Helen Chenoweth ...We could see "flare-ups" within our own nation as well - and the Kosovo precedent would justify military intervention by the "international community" to settle such conflicts within our own borders. Consider the case of the southwestern United States, a region referred to as "Aztlan," the mythical homeland of the Aztecs, by such militant groups as the "Brown Berets." Aztlan radicals have announced their intention to conduct la reconquista - the re-conquest - of that region through unrestrained illegal immigration, as well as subversion and violence. It is not difficult to foresee a future scenario in which the "international community" authorizes the use of military force in support of "autonomy" for Aztlan, in the same way that the war in Yugoslavia was launched in support of "autonomy" for an Albanian Muslim-dominated Kosovo... |
![]() Books on the Immigration Invasion |
canada | "usa" | northwest | norcal | mexico | invasion | africa | clintong | books | commentary |
Aboriginal | European Prehistory News | Kennewick Man News | News from the Confederacy |
dead links or not connecting as of 2/08/2000 |
Official Secret Handbook for Illegal migrants * 3/98 (was on Immigration Webring) |
dead links or not connecting as of 12/27/98 |
Immigration Control Advocates * http://www.calcultureclash.com/src/frontpage.html |
American Immigration Control Foundation * http://www.cfw.com/~aicf/index.htm |
Border Solution Task Force * http://pegasus.adnc.net/~websites/bstf/ |
The Biocentric Institute * http://www.tscpress.com/biocentr.htm |