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According to this article about 20 million Blacks face starvation in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen. So, what are Whites being urged to do? Why, donate money, time and resources to prevent Blacks from starving. And, what will this accomplish? It will result in an increase in the biomass of Black DNA and it will produce more Blacks surviving to produce more Blacks who will face starvation in the years to come and it will produce more Blacks who will invade White nations, and it will produce more Blacks who will end up killing Whites directly via violent attacks on Whites or will help Blacks exterminate Whites via miscegenation. And, while the physical extermination of White individuals and White family lines goes on, White cities and nations will be made into hell holes for any Whites who remain there. Doubt it? Look around you at formerly great White cities that are now majority Black. The first president George Bush lived in then White Compton, Ca, back in the 1940's. Today, it is a non-White hell hole. And, that's just one of many examples of what happens when Whites are forced out of an area and the area goes non-White. And, it is worth mentioning that JEB Bush has now turned his part of the Bush family line from White to Brown which is one of the effects we see when the number of non-Whites increases and Whites then forget that what is absolutely essential for our survival is the White genome and instead begin to believe in the false idea that all humans are the same and thus should have no compunction about miscegenation. Whites have to start looking out for Whites and White interests both in the short term and in the long term and Whites must start seeing the harm their violations of nature's (read God's natural laws) cause, if not today, then in the years to come. Whites must ask of everything: Is this good for White people? And, they must be able to extrapolate whatever it is they are asking that question about into the future. For example, if Whites had asked if WWII was good for White people and if they had thought through what all the millions of deaths of Whites would mean to our present day world, they would have found a way to avoid that war that killed off millions of Whites and left us with the present dystopian non-White world where White genocide is a reality and where White extinction is a very real possibility. What should be the ethical position of thinking, awakened Whites when we read of problems with non-White peoples? It should be to mind our own White business and not butt in. We should let nature (or God, if you prefer) handle this. Natural selection works in the affairs of humans as it does with all other living organisms. Some live and some die and this is how evolution moves forward and hopefully upward towards ever greater consciousness. And, this is how the world will be made more holy and righteous. For too long, too many Whites have felt it is somehow good and righteous for Whites to help non-Whites survive and this is often portrayed as some sort of wonderful compassion. But, when you scratch the surface you'll find that many of these do-good Whites are full of noblesse oblige racism and feelings of White supremacy. The present day Whites who are bounding off to darkest Africa to help Blacks are the psychological descendents of the Whites who "helped" the American Indians, the First Nations people in Canada, and the aborigines in Australia. As you are probably aware, these Whites in trying to do good, harmed these non-White peoples in many ways and caused many of these non-Whites to hate Whites who destroyed their cultures, religions and ways. Over the past few years, the governments of the U.S., Canada and Australia have all officially apologized for the butting into the business and fates of these non-Whites by Whites in these three nations. Each distinct people must find its own way and must survive or go extinct as it struggles for existence. There are no free rides in nature and Whites giving free rides to non-Whites is violating the laws of nature and of God. This applies to Whites as it does to all other kinds. And, for us as Whites, we must individually and as the distinct people that we are decide that we want to survive and thrive and we must do what is necessary to make this so. As with all other kinds, there is no free ride for us as Whites and nature doesn't care if we live or die. We ourselves, we alone, must care. Here, once again, are three of the most important quotes that Whites should always remember: "[T]he varieties of mankind are so different that similar differences found in any other animals would warrant their classification in different species, if not in different genera." --Charles Darwin # # #
"Living organisms must necessarily compete, for food, for mates and for living space, especially with other members of their own species [i.e. those they can breed with]. They must avoid predators and other dangers. For all these various reasons, some will leave more offspring than others, and it is the genetic characteristics of such preferred replicators which will be passed on preferentially to succeeding generations. This is the essence of natural selection." -- Francis Crick (Nobel laureate and co-discoverer of the shape of DNA) # # #
“Man is something that shall be overcome.Man is a rope,tied between beast and overman - a rope over an abyss.What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end.”-- Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra # # # |
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