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![]() For those of you who have been farting against silk in the race relations department or living in a cave on Mars, “nigger” (op.cit.) is coin of the realm on the city streets, where I worked for many years, and is used with a frequency rivaled only by the beloved term, “motherfucker.” That is, once about every 1.6 minutes of what passes for dark and nasty communication in those places most White liberals never visit but will talk as if they know all about. Incidentally, these two words represent the high water mark of Negro contribution to the lexicon of Western Civilization.
Because cowardly Caucasians fear you as a primitive life form you regard that as a green light to do whatever you want and as much as you can get away with. You behave in a manner that seeks not to correct this notion but capitalize on it and take advantage of it. And when other White people, those you don’t scare, those who have got your number, those who know your con and your rap–like the biker–who are familiar with your vicious jungle antics have a mind to string you up, that pisses you off too. And you know, without a doubt, that given the right circumstances a lot of these bad ass White boys will do just that–in a “motherfucking” heartbeat. That pisses you off when actually you should be terrified.
Like a toxic, foul smelling, ever spreading mudslide, Negroes envelope and destroy everything they come in contact with. If that is a troublesome reality, thank a Jew, Vatican II Catholic or Democrat. No matter how much Tyrone extorts from fearful, groveling White Catholics and Jews, no matter how much slack is cut for Buckwheat’s monstrous criminal behavior by the plantation Democrats and the government media, it’s never enough because in the end Tyrone and Buckwheat are still the niggers (op.cit.) they hate, i.e., forever Rastus and Step’n Fetchit. Forget the muscular bodies and athletic prowess. We’ve been beat over the head with that sthick for the past 40 years. Instead, for purposes of our model here, think...kinky hair, flat feet, supersized ass, liver lips, bad skin, flat nose and a brain the size of a peach pit. (Never mind that I’ve got no ass at all, a matter I intend to take up with the butt fairy when I get to Glory, and yet I’ve never rioted because of it). Anyway, every time Jamal looks in the mirror (bordered with “Black is Beautiful” bumper strips) or his kids look at him questioningly it reminds him of that inherited inferiority, of that God inflicted disability of being one of Dr. Moreau’s experiments gone horribly wrong and, of course, that pisses him off. So, he does what Negroes have done since Moses was a corporal, he riots, loots, destroys and rapes. Because it’s stamped into their DNA, Tyrone, Buckwheat and Jamal can’t explain why to their kids so they just teach them to go around being pissed off, miserable and bitter just like daddy...if he is daddy, or if they even know who daddy is. Now, I still don’t think I quite understand the masochistic liberals, Zionist Jews and Illuminati Catholics wanting to absorb endless angry racial and sexual abuse from violent simian gangsters. That’s their choice; but, it’s positively baffling that these same self loathing, self destructive weenies expect all of us White folks to happily accept the same kind of abuse they wallow in like pigs in slop. Fact of the matter is, a lot of us won’t. As long as we are on the topic, with their election of the Kenyan mutt, the majority of Catholics Fr. Malachi warned us about have apparently foresaken their centuries old dedication to protection of the unborn. By sending the baby murdering champion of the U. S. Senate to the White House, I assume they no longer adhere to St. Augustine’s, St. Thomas’ and St. Francis’ sanctity of life teachings. They obviously belong to that growing Death Cult of Pope Bernstein’s Roman Church (my Church, I’m ashamed to say, that could excommunicate a holy man like Archbishop Lefevbre but not a degenerate killer like Ted Kennedy). A Church that apparently takes its instruction from Abe Foxman, ADL and Area 51. The late Fr. Malachi Martin (another set of brass gonads. If you’re traditional Catholic and care about your Church you must read him) frequently quoted Pope Paul VI’s description of the Vatican, “the smoke of Satan is in the sanctuary and is wafting around the altar.” Therefore, given most new age Catholics’ seeming love affair with the devil and his demons, there is no restriction any longer preventing them from killing themselves in a sacrificial act of retroactive abortion. We can but hope. For what it’s worth, Aggiornamento Catholics, Jews and Democrats would do well to pay heed to the warnings of General Forrest, Revs. James Manning (Harlem) and Jesse Peterson (Watts) and another courageous warning voice. But experience teaches us that they wont listen. I have discovered that heretic and apostate Freemason Catholics are too stupid and/or wicked to even pray with, Jews too hateful and bitter and most Democrats want precisely that violent, bloody revolution that they are engineering to consolidate their absolute power in a Stalinist state. Like the ancient Wickerman cult, they all rush euphorically to their incineration. You can take it to the bank that most of them have never even been in a fist fight. Revolution is something they think can be managed with the remote control. But none of this is a secret. The blueprint for our destruction is found in Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and its principle exponent is the Kenyan Mutt or should I say, the First Kenyan Mutt, thanks mainly to the usual suspects. And don’t forget the Protestants: Billy Graham who endorsed Hillary Clinton’s candidacy and the those so-called Christians who are now praying to allah plus those Treckies with their heads securely in rectal enfilade of the 6th Dispensation, praying for the rapture to swoosh them to Paradise. But those folks and their destructive antics are for discussion another time as is the Mexican contribution to our imminent annihilation. And yet, I don’t wish to ignore or discriminate against (by failing to mention) the Indians (feathers not dots). Picture this: a battered pick up truck being driven by an Indian from the near by reservation (where isn’t there one?) with long braided hair incorporating feathers, beads and strips of colored coth.(feathers incidentally which a White man would probably be prosecuted for merely possessing). There’s a dream catcher (or broken squash racket) on the rear view mirror. In the gun rack are two long guns and a shotgun. The window sticker proudly proclaims “Obama ‘08.” Two things crowd immediately to mind: 1) this tribal moron can vote and 2) he has a driver’s license. Maranantha the arrow prayer that begs, “Come Lord Jesus,” would certainly be fitting, but all I could manage was, “Holy Shit.” The other Indian sticker said, “Custer had it coming.” I’m thinking, someday some enterprising White soul will manufacture a response bumper strip that says “So did Crazy Horse.” _______________________________Afterword_____________________________________
What a horrible thing to bring into the sanctuary–the carcass of the prince of debauchery, the puffy, spider veined face of a degenerate drunk whose main purposes in life were to destroy America and grease his weasel. You have to ask yourself, why would an old, holy and honorable order like the Redemptorists scandalize Catholics everywhere unless____________. (You can supply your own answer). What it tells me is that the Roman Catholic Church in America–Amchurch–has come to be represented not so much by works of piety, sacrifice, charity, prayer, education and protection of the weakest amongst us but by the puffy, debauched face of a prolific baby killer who fucked and traitored his way through 40 years in the U.S. Senate. The commemorative coin that will be struck to “celebrate” this occasion can have that visage on one side and that of Pope Bernstein on the other. The shitworm Democrats in Massachusetts can be proud of the damage they’ve inflicted on our nation and its soul in the past 40 years and that includes the millions of innocents they have voted to destroy through abortion. Jesus surely wept. If the Catholic Church can live with that legacy it can live with Satan. If the Church ever needed a St. Francis, Dominic or Benedict (not the guy that’s there now, but the real one) now’s the time.
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