The fantasy begins with the article's title, which suggests that
there was an "important debate" about immigration going
on in this country, until a bunch of Buchanan-led goons came along
(presumably armed like Al Qaeda terrorists) and "hijacked"
it. Nothing is further from the truth, since the only "debate"
taking place in the US government, and society at large, amounts to
little more than just how quick America can render itself into a non-white
majority, all sung to the very off-Broadway tune of "ain't diversity
But what the perceptive reader of Mr. Goldberg's article ultimately
discerns is this: Mr. Goldberg, through a long, torturously twisted
goulash of words, is trying his best to avoid saying outright what
otherwise silently undergirds his entire article, which amounts to
this: A
of courageous, intelligent men, among them Pat Buchanan, Peter Brimelow,
and Jared Taylor, have, against great odds and rabid public scorn,
managed to rise up to a sufficient plateau of public visibility to
warn America about the dangers of rampant Third World immigration---which
the effete armchair do-nothings over at The National Review strongly
But what precisely did Mr. Goldberg have to say? Well, not much,
actually. For starters he tried to impress the reader with a yawning
account of his childhood "bris" (some arcane Jewish ritual
which he mentioned simply because Pat Buchanan had been in attendance).
After that, he stumbles on into the vast Gobi Desert of his article.
Here are some of the dried-up watering holes that Mr. Goldberg visits
along the way:
Goldberg said: "But far more disturbing, it has marginalized
the entire debate about immigration at the exact moment that the issue
needs all the intelligent discussion it can get."
This Goldberg criticism, as with all of Mr. Goldberg's criticisms,
has the bleating quality of a spoiled, whining child behind it. The
only "disturbing" thing at all in Goldberg's accusation
is the overwhelming gall he exhibits in suggesting that Buchanan has
"marginalized" the immigration debate, when in reality moral
cowards and/or multicultural supporters like Goldberg and his cadre
of "conservative" androids over at The National Review are
the ones who are guilty of marginalizing it.
Goldberg said: "At a time when Latinos make up 13% of American
citizens, 28 million Americans are foreign-born and tens of millions
of Americans are the children or grandchildren of immigrant-success
stories, it hardly seems constructive to declare that immigrants,
in general, and Mexicans in particular are "enemies" and
"invaders" who threaten Western civilization."
Comment: That someone like Goldberg could make the egregious claim
that Mexican immigrants are not a threat to Western civilization is
absolutely breathtaking. To the contrary, everywhere that Mexican/Third
World immigrants have gathered in large numbers of the US, the signposts
of Western civilization have been falling. Goldberg (because he's
a Jew, perhaps?) refuses to acknowledge that the English language
is vanishing along the Texas/Mexican border, refuses to acknowledge
that holidays honoring
Washington and Abraham Lincolon have now been dumped into a nameless
generic holiday, while a negroid "civil rights leader" has
been elevated to near god-like status in America's pantheon of national
heroes, refuses to acknowledge that whites, (strangely not enamored
of "racial diversity") are now fleeing like Roman legions
from the increasingly browned-out and gang-infested violence of cities
like Miami and Los Angeles. And for Goldberg to deny (avoid?) these
facts is to draw but one of two conclusions about him: He's either
a consummate fool or he's a dirty, filthy, conniving liar, one bent
on using the influence of The National Review to promote an agenda
of lies.
Goldberg said: "Rather, a constructive discussion might simply
focus on the idea that we want immigrants no matter where they come
from--to become assimilated Americans, not aliens in our midst, and
that maybe our current policies at home and on the border are not
promoting that effectively...."
Comment: This remark is the same tired song and dance the entire
conservative chorus continues to sing, as America continues to sink
further and further into a gooey brown muck of uneducated (most Third
World immigrants lack a high school degree) Mexicans, Guatemalans,
and Costa Ricans. And focus particularly on Goldberg's use of the
word "maybe", when he remarks about our current immigration
policies "not promoting" assimilation. There is no "maybe"
about it, Mr. Goldberg---it's a concrete fact. Again, Goldberg is
utterly blind (or deliberately obfuscating?) to the reality that Pat
Buchanan so eloquently exposed in his newest book, "The Death
of the West".
Goldberg said: "Instead, we get Buchanan and his new book "The
Death of the West," which warns hysterically that the white race
is becoming an "endangered species"..."
Comment: "Hysterical"? Is that what I just heard? Well,
well, now the mindless, factless, and baseless attacks typical of
Goldberg's ilk begins. Notice his use of the word "hysterical".
The implication here is that Buchanan's book is nothing more than
insane blatherings. Notice too the quote marks around "endangered
species", again suggesting that not a single shred of truth or
fact underlies Buchanan's claim that whites are, in fact, headed for
racial extinction. Why does Goldberg deliberately resort to ad hominem
attacks here, without even making the pseudo-civil effort to refute
Buchanan? Simple: because Goldberg has enough sense to know that he
could later be refuted himself with a fact-laden, fact-rich counter
argument. So, rather than attempt any refutation of Buchanan, Goldberg
instead takes the coward's way out and resorts to a covert, hide-in-the-bushes,
shoot-and-run tactic.
Goldberg continues: "... about to be swallowed up by the duskier
Third World (defined as all nonwhites no matter how rich, educated
or democratic).
Comment: Again, one senses a deep, almost childishly evil glee lurking
behind Goldberg's words, as if he's flaunting his deliberate lies,
but doesn't expect anyone to challenge him. As for the deliberate
distortion behind these words of Goldberg, those who oppose Third
World immigration never think of the "rich, educated, or democratic"
of the Third World in their arguments to keep out the vast majority
who are not.
Goldberg said: "We get Peter Brimelow, a once-respected conservative
voice who now
the shrill anti-immigration website, named for Virginia
Dare, the first British child born in North America. We get syndicated
columnist Samuel Francis (widely considered Buchanan's personal ideologist
of choice) who has argued earnestly for "imposing adequate fertility
controls on nonwhites." These are not stupid men--indeed, they
are extremely talented individuals..."
Comment: Goldberg's final sentence in this statement says a great
deal, both in favor of those who oppose Third World immigration and
Goldberg's own morally and intellectually bankrupt news rag, The National
Review. He readily admits that men like Brimelow and Francis are not
merely "talented" individuals, but super-charges their abilities
with the added modifier "extremely". Now, if men with these
kinds of superlative talents have come to conclude that America is
under dire threat with Third World immigration, what rational individual
would be more likely to heed the words of some lesser man like Goldberg,
rather than Brimelow or Francis?
Goldberg said: "Rather than focusing on how to create a rational
immigration policy that recognizes the permanence of America's ethnic
diversity, they live in denial about how to get back to the days when
America was 90% white."
Well, I warned you. Goldberg's article is an arduous trek through
an intellectual wasteland of snide innuendo and unsupported accusations,
and he doesn't disappoint. He speaks of "denial" here, when
in reality Goldberg has so much denial himself that even a cancer
surgeon couldn't save him. America never had any "permanence"
of ethnic diversity, but had, for most of its history, a dominant
white population, with a minor side order of non-whites. That white-dominant
population is what propelled America to world greatness. Not negroes,
not native American Indians, not Chinese, not Mexicans. And, lastly,
not Jews. All contributed some things, true, but no more than the
salt and pepper shakers at the banquet table of Caucasian-created
Goldberg said: "Hiding out in their bunkers on the web..."
Comment: Here's a heavy-handed innuendo, one that suggests that
those who oppose
World immigration are, in the end, nothing more than "Nazis",
as indicated by Goldberg's use of the word "bunker", as
in "Hitler bunker". Clever, isn't he? Well, not really.
Goldberg's all too obvious, and painfully so. And it's clear why:
Goldberg is unable to offer a single factual refutation to anything
Buchanan has documented in his book, and so desperately pulls out
the "Nazi card". But, like the rest of his article, his
words are no more than a flimsy house of cards themselves, and blow
over at the slightest whisper of reason.
Goldberg said: "...and in the pages of a few obscure publications,
these unhappy paleoconservatives and neo-nativists have rallied the
troops under a single flag: white supremacy."
Comment: Goldberg displays his gross ignorance once again, by labeling
people who oppose Third World immigration as "white supremacists".
Even avowed white racialists are not generally "white supremacists",
a nuance of ideological difference that Goldberg is utterly ignorant
of. He's like a trigger-happy soldier anxious to engage in combat,
but unable to find out where the war is at.
Goldberg said: " No, they aren't Klansmen or skinheads, and,
no, they won't like that label. But they are very serious about keeping
America a white country because, in their view, white people, on the
whole, make better Americans."
Comment: And there Goldberg leaves the reader hanging. Notice his
technique, so utterly transparent. First, he states that individuals
like Buchanan and his supporters believe that "white people make
better Americans" (and expects you to vomit in disgust) and then
leaves it at that, without a further word. What Goldberg doesn't want
you to consider, not even remotely, is the very real possibility that
white people do make better Americans, and that they have given more,
created more, and died more for this nation in comparison to any other
racial group on the planet. Goldberg hopes you'll buy the Big Lie
that all races have contributed equally to the formation of America,
when clearly that is provably false. In the end, Goldberg is deliberately
trying to manipulate the reader. Why, unless he's got a dark reason
for doing so?
From this point on, Goldberg foams and froths, wriggles and squirms
about how "racist"
like Peter Brimelow, Samuel Francis and Jared Taylor truly are---and
does so for what seems like an interminable amount of time. Yet, never
once does he offer even a solitary shred of evidence that deflects,
much less disproves, a single assertion by any of these men. Goldberg
can't, you see, and that's why he hopes the reader trekking through
his arid wasteland of words never discovers it.
Finally, Goldberg concludes: "Which brings us back to the basic
issue: Race isn't the point, so drop it. Now."
Comment: Like turning over a rock in the burning desert and finding
a hissing rattlesnake beneath, this last sentence exposes Goldberg's
true purpose to the blazing light of day. His final pronouncement,
delivered with all the fervor of a bolshevik attending a Stalin rally,
reveals this National Review commissar/editor as many things, none
flattering. It reveals him as a liar and a hypocrite, since he earlier
stated, with all too evident disingenuousness, that he wanted a "dialogue"
about immigration, but wants all those who oppose it (based on racial
reasons) to be silenced. It reveals as well that Goldberg and his
conservative cadre over at The National Review are morally and intellectually
bankrupt, completely out of touch with reality, and totally unsympathetic
to the concerns of white middle class America. And, perhaps most of
all, it reveals that Goldberg himself is---first, last, and always---a
Ward Kendall
author of "Hold
Back This Day"